Myringoplasty Using A Subcutaneous Soft Tissue Graft


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A retrospective study was performed on patients who underwent myringoplasty using an autologous subcutaneous soft tissue graft over a 5-year period. Details including age, site and size of perforation, grade of surgeon, surgical approach, postoperative dressings, overnight stay, complications and outcome were recorded and analysed. Fifty-two patients underwent myringoplasty using a subcutaneous soft tissue graft. Their ages ranged from 4 to 78 years (median = 36 years). The mean follow-up period was 19 months. Successful closure to give an intact tympanic membrane was obtained in 82.7% of patients. Thresholds improved on pure tone audiometry in 57.1% and deteriorated in only one patient. There was no case of dead ear as a result of surgery. Subcutaneous tissue graft has comparable outcomes with temporalis fascia graft with additional advantages of a smaller incision, minimum dissection and a lower risk of bleeding.
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Key words
myringoplasty, tympanoplasty, surgery, subcutaneous tissue, graft
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