Prostaglandin content in the rat gastric mucosa during healing of chronic ulcers induced by acetic acid.

I Szelenyi, S Postius,H Engler

Agents and actions(1983)

Cited 16|Views1
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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds delayed the regeneration of chronic gastric ulcers induced by acetic acid in the rat. The delayed regeneration was connected with a decreased PGE2 content in the proliferating tissue. Glucocorticoid influenced neither the regeneration of mucosal damages nor the gastric PGE2 content. The carboanhydrase inhibitor, acetazolamide, also did not alter the restoration of gastric mucosa after being damaged. From the clinical point of view, the safe use of NOSAC will be emphasized in patients with ulcer anamnese. The findings with prednisolone did not confirm a similar safe use of this drug in patients.
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