Videotherapy Of Postpartal Disorders. An Interactive Treatment Concept For Mothers With Depressions And Psychoses


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Video recording is currently part of in- and out-patient therapy programs for parents with infants. The observation and analysis of video sequences allow the patient to gain an extraordinary insight with respect to its own experience and behaviour. Video Microanalytical Therapy (VMT) looks for the mother's positive qualities in her relationship to the child and employs these qualities in order to support successful interactions. VMT is well-suited to the treatment of mothers with postpartal affective or psychotic disorders, because the typical cognitive distortions and reduced perception shown by these mothers can be avoided to a large extent through the use of pictures. In this study, a video microanalytical therapy concept will be presented, that was developed for the treatment of post-partally disordered mothers at the Psychiatric Centre Nordbaden in Wiesloch, Germany.
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videotherapy, postpartal disorders, mother-child-interaction, microanalysis
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