Performance of CVD diamond microstrip detectors under particle irradiation


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The inherent properties of diamond make it an ideal material for detectors in the high rate, high radiation environments near the collision point of future colliders such as the LHC. We have constructed charged particle position sensitive detectors using high quality Chemical Vapour Deposited (CVD) diamond. Using detectors with a 50 μm strip pitch, we achieved a most probable signal-to-noise ratio of 27/1 and a position resolution of 12-15 μm. To ascertain the radiation hardness properties of CVD diamond, we have exposed detectors to 10 MRad 60Co, 5×1014 300 MeV pions/cm2, 1014 500 MeV protons/cm2, and 1015 neutrons/cm2. The results show that CVD diamond is an extremely radiation hard material and well suited for particle detector production
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Key words
ion beam effects,meson effects,neutron effects,position sensitive particle detectors,proton effects,cvd diamond,cvd diamond microstrip detectors,lhc,charged particle position sensitive detectors,collision point,future colliders,high quality chemical vapour deposited,high radiation environments,neutrons,particle irradiation,pions,position resolution,protons,radiation hardness,signal-to-noise ratio,strip pitch,particle detector,signal to noise ratio,charged particles
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