Low power pulse width modulation design for class d audio amplifier systems

ICICA (LNCS)(2012)

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This paper presents the design and implementation of a novel pulse width modulation (PWM) chip. With low-power, high-performance, small area, and high speed, these circuits are employed in portable computer systems, such as the power circuits, electronic circuits, video and music amplifiers circuits, communications and control circuits, wireless communication and high-frequency circuit systems. This PWM chip followed the chip implementation center advanced design flow, and then was fabricated using Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacture Company 0.35-μm 2P4M mixed-signal CMOS process. The chip supply voltage is 3.3 V which can operate at a maximum frequency of 100 MHz. The total power consumption is 3.0268 mW, and the chip area size is 1.016 mm ×1.016 mm. Finally, the PWM chip was tested and the experimental results are discussed. From the excellent performance of the chip verified that it can be applied to audio amplifiers, communications control, etc.
design flow,audio amplifier system,chip supply voltage,communications control,chip area size,pwm chip,modulation design,music amplifiers circuit,control circuit,chip implementation center,low power pulse width,small area,power circuit,communications technology,pulse width modulation
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