Fibrinolysis in systemic lupus erythematosus: effect of desamino D-arginine vasopressin infusion.

British journal of rheumatology(1987)

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In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) the lupus anticoagulant is known to be associated with thrombosis. However, this anticoagulant only occurs in a small percentage of patients. Histopathological studies suggest a more generalized thrombotic tendency with platelets and fibrin within the microvasculature. Fibrinogen is elevated in SLE and this may lead to the fibrin deposition described. We wondered if decreased fibrinolysis contributed to this and we infused desamino D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) into ten patients with SLE and eight controls. DDAVP stimulates endothelial production of plasminogen activator (PA) and factor VIII. Baseline results showed a significant decrease in PA activity with a concomitant increase in fibrinogen in SLE. The t-PA and inhibitor levels were normal but factor VIII was increased. After infusion of DDAVP, results indicated that, despite baseline results, SLE patients were able to respond to stimulation and the increase in PA activity produced a decrease in plasma fibrinogen levels. These findings may have therapeutic implications.
systemic lupus,d-arginine
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