Experiment of Coaction of Bridge Deck Pavement and Small Box Girder

Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development(2012)

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Load tests on a single small box girder and a bridge were carried out to evaluate the effects of deck pavement by comparing the deflections of the girders before and after the pavement surfaced.The comprehensive elastic modulus was obtained from the test before pavement surfaced,and the coaction degree of the bridge deck pavement and the girders was obtained by comparing the flexural inertia moment corresponding to the deflection in the test after pavement surfaced with the theoretical flexural inertia moment corresponding to the supposed thickness of the pavement in work.The results from these tests show that(1) the rough interface could greatly improve the coaction degree of bridge deck pavement with girders,which could reach 100%;(2) in general cases,the extent of the coaction of bridge deck pavement with girders could reach 70%,and for a pavement with thickness of 8 cm,the thickness of the pavement in coaction could be taken as 60% or 3 cm in thickness could be substracted from the pavement in design;(3)the pavement could improve the uniformity of the transverse load distribution.
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