New reference reagent for the quality assurance of anti-D antibody detection.

P Phillips,D Voak, M Downie, N Clark, J Miguta, J Rawlings, B Patel, M Redman


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A UK BTS-NIBSC freeze-dried anti-D preparation has been prepared and used to monitor the performance of routine antibody detection tests and of the test operators. With the day-to-day use of this preparation, adverse changes in test performance and in test operator may be detected and appropriate action taken before the effect becomes significant. Two dilutions of this preparation have been defined, one which should be detected unequivocally in every test; the other, more dilute, may not be detected in every test but is used to monitor changes in performance. Experience with the use of this preparation is reported from three test centres undertaking routine antibody detection tests. By monitoring results over a series of working days, significant differences were noted in operator performance within one test centre, as was a reduced sensitivity of a given test system within one test centre compared with the same system in the other test centres. These differences were detected only by monitoring the results obtained with this preparation.
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Key words
antibody screening,monitoring of test operator,monitoring of test performance,quality assurance
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