Impact of Intergenerational Service Learning on Students' Stereotypes Toward Older People in an Introductory Agricultural Computing Course


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The purpose of this descriptive study was to measure the impact of intergenerational service learning on students enrolled in an introductory course in agricultural applications of microcomputers. Specifically, stereotypes toward older people were measured prior to and at the conclusion of service learning activities (computer instruction) with residents from a local retirement center. Due to various environmental factors, such as media, negative sterotypes regarding older people have evolved, supporting the theory known as Ageism. Intergenerational service learning activities have been found to support positive changes away from those Ageist stereotypes often held by college students. Although negative stereotypes were initially found in the pre-test, favorable changes were found in the post-test Mean scores and composite Mean scores. The largest improvement of students' stereotypes was found in the personality factor of the retirement center residents. An analysis of students' reflections of their intergenerational service learning experiences also supported the changed views toward the personalities of older persons. Recommendations were made for additional use of intergenerational service learning with courses where deemed appropriate and the addition of specific demographic-related questions.
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