Quantitative MR evaluation of body composition in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

European radiology(2003)

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.   The aim of this study was to propose a quantitative MR protocol with very short acquisition time and good reliability in volume construction, for the evaluation of body composition in patients affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). This MR protocol was compared with common anthropometric evaluations of the same patients. Nine boys affected by DMD, ranging in age from 6 to 12 years, were selected to undergo MR examination. Transversal T1-weighted spin-echo sequences (0.5T; TR 300 ms, TE 10 ms, slice thickness 10 mm, slice gap 1 mm) were used for all acquisitions, each consisting of 8 slices and lasting just 54 s. Whole-body examination needed an average of nine acquisitions. Afterwards, images were downloaded to an independent workstation and, through their electronic segmentation with a reference filter, total volume and adipose tissue volumes were calculated manually. This process took up to 2 h for each patient. The MR data were compared with anthropometric evaluations. Affected children have a marked increase in adipose tissue and a decrease in lean tissue compared with reference healthy controls. Mean fat mass calculated by MR is significantly higher than mean fat mass obtained using anthropometric measurements (p<0.001). Our MR study proved to be accurate and easy to apply, although it was time-consuming. We recommend it in monitoring the progression of the disease and planning DMD patients' diet.
mr imaging · muscle disease · children · duchenne muscular dystrophy
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