Enrichment of blood units with young red cells (neocytes) with the IBM 2991 cell washer.

C Picot,R Girot, J Loutounda,B Mattlinger,M Maier-Redelsperger, C Feo, A Chevalier,L Barritault

European journal of haematology(2009)

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The transfusion of young red blood cells (neocytes) is a complementary approach to the present treatment of thalassaemia major patients. Fresh neocytes were harvested from 34 volunteers with the IBM 2991 cell washer (CW). The upper part of 24 units was separated into 6 aliquots (T1-T6) of 15 ml each and the residue homogenized. Four biological criteria were used to evaluate young red cell quality, the erythrocyte pyruvate kinase activity, the mean corpuscular volume, the reticulocyte count and ektacytometry; each sample (T1-T6) showed an enrichment with neocytes as compared with the standard unit. A real efficiency of this technique with the IBM 2991 CW was obtained with the first third of the unit, corresponding to the T1-T4 fractions. The estimation of the theoretical mean life span of T1-T2 was 270 days. The last 10 units were separated into two halves: the enrichment of the first half was worse than in the first third of the previous technique. We concluded that the transfusional program of thalassaemia patients could profit by the use of the most enriched part of a standard blood unit with the IBM 2991 CW.
young red cells,blood units,neocytes,cells washer
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