On the Outage Probability of the Full-Duplex Interference-Limited Relay Channel

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications(2014)

Cited 23|Views10
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In this paper, we study the performance, in terms of the asymptotic error probability, of a user that communicates with a destination with the aid of a full-duplex in-band relay. We consider that the network is interference-limited, and interfering users are distributed as a Poisson point process. In this case, the asymptotic error probability is upper bounded by the outage probability (OP). We investigate the outage behavior for well-known cooperative schemes, namely, decode-and-forward (DF) and compress-and-forward (CF) considering fading and path loss. For DF, we determine the exact OP and develop upper bounds that are tight in typical operating conditions. Also, we find the correlation coefficient between source and relay signals that minimizes the OP when the density of interferers is small. For CF, the achievable rates are determined by the spatial correlation of the interferences, and a straightforward analysis is not possible. To handle this issue, we show that the rate with correlated noises is at most one bit worse than with uncorrelated noises and thus find an upper bound on the performance of CF. These results are useful to evaluate the performance and to optimize relaying schemes in the context of full-duplex wireless networks.
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Key words
relay networks (telecommunication),correlation coefficient,full-duplex wireless networks,cooperative communication,stochastic processes,full-duplex interference,radiofrequency interference,decode and forward communication,marked poisson point processes,decode and forward,source signals,asymptotic error probability,cooperative schemes,compress and forward,relay signals,limited relay channel,outage probability,full-duplex in-band relay,interfering users,upper bound,poisson point process,error statistics,spatial correlation,interference,correlation methods
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