
Measurement Of The Hadronic Photon Structure Function At Lep 1 For < Q2 > Values Between 9.9 And 284 Gev2

R Barate,D Decamp,P Ghez,C Goy,Jp Lees,E Merle,Mn Minard,B Pietrzyk,R Alemany,Mp Casado,M Chmeissani,Jm Crespo,E Fernandez,M Fernandez-Bosman,L Garrido,E Grauges,A Juste,M Martinez,G Merino,R Miquel,Lm Mir,A Pacheco,Ic Park,I Riu,A Colaleo,D Creanza,M De Palma,G Gelao,G Iaselli,G Maggi,M Maggi,S Nuzzo,A Ranieri,G Raso,F Ruggieri,G Selvaggi,L Silvestris,P Tempesta,A Tricomi,G Zito,X Huang,J Lin,Q Ouyang,T Wang,Y Xie,R Xu,S Xue, J Zhang, L Zhang,W Zhao,D Abbaneo,U Becker,G Boix,M Cattaneo,F Cerutti,V Ciulli,G Dissertori,H Drevermann,Rw Forty,M Frank,Aw Halley,Jb Hansen,J Harvey,P Janot,B Jost,I Lehraus,O Leroy,P Mato,A Minten,A Moutoussi,F Ranjard,L Rolandi,D Rousseau,D Schlatter,M Schmitt,O Schneider,P Spagnolo,W Tejessy,F Teubert,Ir Tomalin,E Tournefier,Ae Wright,Z Ajaltouni,F Badaud,G Chazelle,O Deschamps,A Falvard,C Ferdi,P Gay,C Guicheney,P Henrard,J Jousset,B Michel,S Monteil,Jc Montret,D Pallin,P Perret,F Podlyski,Jd Hansen,Jr Hansen,Ph Hansen,Bs Nilsson,B Rensch,A Waananen,G Daskalakis, A Kyriakis,C Markou,E Simopoulou,I Siotis,A Vayaki,A Blondel,G Bonneaud,Jc Brient,A Rouge,M Rumpf,M Swynghedauw,M Verderi,H Videau,E Focardi,G Parrini,K Zachariadou,R Cavanaugh,M Corden,C Georgiopoulos,A Antonelli,G Bencivenni,G Bologna,F Bossi,P Campana,G Capon,V Chiarella,P Laurelli,G Mannocchi,F Murtas,Gp Murtas,L Passalacqua,M Pepe-Altarelli,L Curtis,Jg Lynch,P Negus,V O'Shea,C Raine,P Teixeira-Dias,As Thompson,O Buchmuller,S Dhamotharan,C Geweniger,P Hanke,G Hansper,V Hepp,Ee Kluge,A Putzer,J Sommer,K Tittel,S Werner,M Wunsch,R Beuselinck,Dm Binnie,W Cameron,Pj Dornan,M Girone,S Goodsir,Eb Martin,N Marinelli,A Sciaba,Jk Sedgbeer,E Thomson,Md Williams,Vm Ghete,P Girtler,E Kneringer,D Kuhn,G Rudolph,Ck Bowdery,Pg Buck,Aj Finch,F Foster,G Hughes,Rwl Jones,Na Robertson,Mi Williams,I Giehl,K Jakobs,K Kleinknecht,G Quast,B Renk,E Rohne,Hg Sander,H Wachsmuth,C Zeitnitz,Jj Aubert,C Benchouk,A Bonissent,J Carr,P Coyle,F Etienne,F Motsch,P Payre,M Talby,M Thulasidas,M Aleppo,M Antonelli,F Ragusa,V Buscher,H Dietl,G Ganis,K Huttmann,G Lutjens,C Mannert,W Manner,Hg Moser,S Schael,R Settles,H Seywerd,H Stenzel, W Wiedennmann,G Wolf,P Azzurri,J Boucrot,O Callot,S Chen,A Cordier,M Davier,L Duflot,Jf Grivaz,P Heusse,A Jacholkowska,F Le Diberder,J Lefrancois,Am Lutz,Mh Schune,Jj Veillet,I Videau,D Zerwas,G Bagliesi,S Bettarini,T Boccali,C Bozzi,G Calderini,R Dell'Orso,I Ferrante,L Foa,A Giassi,A Gregorio,F Ligabue,A Lusiani,Ps Marrocchesi,A Messineo,F Palla,G Rizzo,G Sanguinetti,G Sguazzoni,R Tenchini,C Vannini,A Venturi,Pg Verdini,Ga Blair,G Cowan,Mg Green,T Medcalf,Ja Strong,Jh Von Wimmersperg-Toeller,Dr Botterill,Rw Clifft,Tr Edgecock,Pr Norton,Jc Thompson,B Bloch-Devaux,P Colas,S Emery,W Kozanecki,E Lancon,Mc Lemaire,E Locci,P Perez,J Rander,Jf Renardy,A Roussarie,Jp Schuller,J Schwindling,A Trabelsi,B Vallage,Sn Black,Jh Dann,Rp Johnson,Hy Kim,N Konstantinidis,Am Litke,Ma Mcneil,G Taylor,Cn Booth,S Cartwright,F Combley,Ms Kelly,M Lehto,Lf Thompson,K Affholderbach,A Bohrer,S Brandt,C Grupen,G Prange,G Giannini,B Gobbo,J Rothberg,S Wasserbaech,Sr Armstrong,E Charles,P Elmer,Dps Ferguson,Y Gao,S Gonzalez,Tc Greening,Oj Hayes,H Hu,S Jin,Pa Mcnamara,Jm Nachtman,J Nielsen,W Orejudos,Yb Pan,Y Saadi,Ij Scott,J Walsh,Sl Wu,X Wu,G Zobernig


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Inclusive gamma*gamma interactions to hadronic final states where one scattered electron or positron is detected in the electromagnetic calorimeters have been studied in the LEP 1 data taken by ALEPH from 1991 to 1995. The event sample has been used to measure the hadronic structure function of the photon F-2(gamma) in three bins with < Q(2)> of 9.9, 20.7 and 284 GeV2. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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