Homoiogenetic Regulation Through The Ectoderm On Localized Expression Of The Hatching Gland Phenotype In The Head Area Of Xenopus Embryos


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Ectoderm pieces explanted from embryos of Xenopus laevis were cultured and examined for differentiation of hatching gland cells, using immunoreactivity against anti-XHE (Xenopus hatching enzyme) as a marker. The anterio-dorsal ectoderm excised from stage 12-13(mid-late gastrula) embryos developed hatching gland cells. Meanwhile, the posterio-, but not the anterio-dorsal ectoderm from stage 11 (early gastrula) embryos developed these cells, although it is not fated to do so during normogenesis. This hatching gland cell differentiation from stage 11 posterior ectoderm was not affected by conjugated sandwich culture with the mesoderm but was suppressed when explants contained an anterior portion of the ectoderm. Conjugated cultures of anterior and posterior portions of the ectoderm in various combinations indicated that differentiation of hatching gland cells from stage 11 posterior and stage 12 anterior portions was suppressed specifically by stage II anterior ectoderm. Northern blot analyses of cultured explants showed that XHE was expressed in association with XA-1, suggesting its dependence on the anteriorized state. These results indicate that the planar signal(s) emanating from stage 11 anterior ectoderm participates in suppression of the expression of the anteriorized phenotype so that an ordered differentiation along the anteroposterior axis of the surface ectoderm is accomplished.
anteroposterior axis, explant culture, hatching gland cell, homoiogenetic regulation, Xenopus
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