Lensomics: Advances in Genomics and molecular Techniques for Lentil Breeding and Management


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Lentil is a self-pollinating diploid (2n=14 chromosomes) annual cool season grain legume produced as a high protein food source throughout the world. Several lentil genome maps are available and recent progress towards a consensus map has been made by employing robust locus markers that are derived from the model legume Medicago truncatula and other legume genomes. Such markers are co-dominant and will likely be useful across a broad lentil genetic background for marker-assisted trait selection. Candidate trait-associated genes are under investigation, particularly for disease resistance, and these are soon likely to become available for validation against pathogen populations and in differing environments using transgenic approaches. For this, reliable transformation systems have been developed. However, further effort is required to develop a robust and high-throughput full regeneration system for transformant lentil plants. The near future of Lensomics will include further candidate gene characterisation through transcriptome and reverse genetic techniques. These studies will be conducted to uncover genes responsive to biotic and abiotic stimuli as well as those governing desirable seed quality traits, such as size, shape and colour. Furthermore, proteomic and metabolomic approaches will be employed to derive information on the functional mechanisms involved
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