Variations In Serum Alpha-L-Fucosidase Activity During Childhood And Pregnancy


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Variations in serum alpha-L-fucosidase activity (AFU) have been studied during childhood and pregnancy. 994 children, ages 1 day to 15 yr, were examined; no sex-linked difference was found, but significant variations according to age were demonstrated. AFU activity rose during the first 10-15 days after birth, remained high during the second month then decreased till the end of the first year, thereafter no significant changes were observed. In pregnancy, AFU activity rose and dropped quickly after delivery; neither hypertension nor fetal distress led to AFU activity changes during pregnancy. Thus, in addition to the great variability of AFU linked to the genetic polymorphism, the physiological factors such as age or pregnancy have to be taken into account to establish the significance of AFU variations in pathological situations.
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