Diagnostic radiology: major weapon in patient care or weapon of mass destruction?

Journal of the American College of Radiology(2005)

引用 3|浏览10
I have become increasingly bemused and disillusioned by the political bias and its bending of scientific methodology in recent peer-reviewed literature that deals with the topic of potential carcinogenesis from diagnostic x-ray examinations. Otherwise credible authors ignore the lack of any empirical evidence for carcinogenesis from the low levels inherent in diagnostic radiologic examinations and promote the theory of potential carcinogenesis (on the basis of some major and very debatable assumptions from high-dose data) to the level of established scientific fact while, for example, berating the still incomplete statistical evidence for the benefit of lung cancer screening with computed tomography (CT). Such tactics obscure more valid arguments, hide the lack of true knowledge regarding carcinogenesis from low-dose events, and may in fact backfire on our specialty. We may be dealing ourselves a losing hand. It is the use of assumptions clothed as established fact for the sake of “political correctness” that finally prompted me into this politically incorrect communication.
diagnostic radiology,patient care,mass destruction,major weapon
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