The Thermal Optical Quantum Transition Properties Of Piezoelectric Materials Under Oscillating External Field


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We consider two systems-the one system is subject to circularly polarized oscillatory external fields and the other system is subject to linearly polarized oscillatory external field. The main purpose of this work is that comparisons of the optical quantum transition line shapes (QTLS) which show the absorption power and the quantum transition line widths (QTLW) in both directional polarized oscillatory external field. Our results indicate that the QTLS of circularly polarized oscillatory external field is larger than the QTLS of linearly polarized oscillatory external field, while the opposite result is obtained for the QTLW. In both directional polarized oscillatory external field, we analyze the temperature dependence of the QTLS and the QTLW in various cases. In order to analyze the quantum transition, we compare the temperature dependence of the QTLW and QTLS of two transition process, the intra Landau level transition process and the inter Landau level transition process. We study the thermal properties of electron-piezoelectric phonon interacting system in the confinement of electrons by square well confinement potential. We use the projected Liouville equation method with Equilibrium Average Projection Scheme (EAPS).
Optical quantum transition, line shapes, quantum widths, Landau transition process, projected Liouville
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