
Recuperation and Optimisation of the Ria de Aveiro's Quays: An example of ICZM in Portugal


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Summary This article allows for a familiarisation with the pilot-project - Recuperation and Appreciation of the Quays, developed at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) under the ESGIRA - MARIA project (Integrated Management Structure for the Ria de Aveiro). This is a research project co-financed by the DGENV within the framework of the Life-Environment Programme of the European Commission. The aim of the ESGIRA-MARIA project is to test the efficiency of an integrated management structure formed through negotiation among the various integrated groups of the partnership created within the framework of the MARIA project. Due to the particular characteristics of the lagoon - Ria de Aveiro - biophysical and beauty of landscape, the demand of this area for leisure activities is growing, a fact proven by the numerous urban interventions made by the municipalities on the waterfront areas of the lagoon. The existing quays of the lagoon are one of the potential resources for leisure and recreational activities on the waterfront areas and thus provide a reason to research new methodologies of intervention on the thematic area of coastal and lagoon integrated management. Through this pilot-project, we intend to create a forum of discussion of new strategies, globally accepted by all the partners involved in the ESGIRA-MARIA project, promoting a sustainable and integrated development for the Ria de Aveiro and demonstrating a surplus value in the definition of strategies, building and maintaining a CONSENSUS that will end by defining a Strategic Model for the Animation of the Waterfront Areas in the Ria de Aveiro.
revitalization,participation and consensus,planning
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