Impact of a self-instruction CPR kit on 7th graders' and adults' skills and CPR performance.


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Background: Norwegian 7th graders (12 years old) trained CPR using a 30 min DVD, an inflatable manikin and teachers as facilitators. They were instructed to take the kit home and expose as many family members and friends (adults) as possible to the training. We wanted to document the number of lay rescuers trained by this distribution model and CPR skills achieved. Methods: The school principals reported the total number trained using the kit of both 7th graders (first tier) and adults (second tier). They were divided into four groups (first and second tier before and after training) of 50 subjects and CPR was performed on a Skillmeter Anne manikin in order to be electronically documented and their performances were videotaped. Results: A total of 54,876 7th graders and 119,758 adults were trained, representing 87% of the 7th graders in Norway and approximately 4% of the Norwegian population. The skill test of 200 subjects divided into four groups respectively showed that second tier scored significantly lower than first tier in all CPR variables except compression depth. Conclusions: The present model. of CPR kit distribution via 7th graders enabled a significant percentage of the population to focus on CPR training. We believe the model. secure discipline through the training program for first tier but not for second tier and speculate that 12-year-old children are too young to have an impact of adults commitment and motivation for training. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Basic life support,Bystander CPR,Cardiac arrest,Education,Resuscitation
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