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Near Yrast States in Doubly Oddfr214

Physical review C Nuclear physics/Physical review C, Nuclear physics(1993)

Cited 6|Views15
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High spin states of doubly odd Fr-214(127) have been investigated using in-beam gamma-ray and conversion electron spectroscopy techniques through the Pb-206(B-11,3n) and Pb-208(B-11,5n) fusion-evaporation reactions. Completely new spectroscopic information has been obtained. The yrast level structure is established up to spin (19+) and some information on gamma transitions from higher-lying levels is also obtained. Two new isomers T1/2 = 174(20) ns and T1/2 = 11(2) ns were found. Configuration assignments for the low-lying levels are discussed. Information on residual proton-neutron interactions is extracted.
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