Pseudorabies virus infections in explants of porcine nasal mucosa

J.M.A. Pol,W.G.V. Quint,G.L. Kok, J.M. Broekhuysen-Davies


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The spread of infection and the morphogenesis of three pseudorabies virus strains were studied in explants of porcine nasal mucosa. Virulent NIA-3 virus was compared with a deletion mutant 2.4N3A, and with a non-virulent Bartha virus. All three virus strains infected nasal epithelial cells. NIA-3 virus particles were enveloped mainly at the inner nuclear membrane; the virus rapidly invaded the stroma, causing widespread necrosis. In contrast, 2.4N3A virus particles were enveloped mainly at the endoplasmic reticulum and the infection spread more slowly. Bartha virus particles were enveloped mainly at the endoplasmic reticulum; the infection spread slowly and remained restricted to the epithelial cells. In situ DNA hybridisation showed an accumulation of Bartha virus DNA in the nucleus 24 hours after inoculation. In nasal mucosa viral virulence seemed directly related to the speed of replication and release of virus from infected cells.
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pseudorabies virus infections,porcine nasal mucosa
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