Two-Phase Microstructures of Gamma+Gamma-Prime Formed by Phase-Separations due to Heat-Treatments of Elastically Constrained Ni-Al-Ti Alloys

Minoru Doi,Takao Kozakai, Tomokazu Moritani, S. Naito

THERMEC 2006Materials Science Forum(2007)

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In the elastically constrained Ni-Al-Ti alloy system, three kinds of phase-separations, i.e. microstructure changes, take place to bring the two-phase state of γ+γ’ depending on the alloy compositions and heat treatments: 1) in Ni-8at%Al-6at%Ti, the phase-separation of γ phase takes place and γ’ particles appear in the γ matrix, 2) in Ni-13at%Al-9at%Ti, the phase-separation of γ’ intermetallic phase takes place and γ particles appear in the γ’ matrix, 3) in Ni-8.5at%Al-5.4at%Ti, the phase-separation of γ’ precipitate phase takes place and γ particles appear in the γ’ precipitate.
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