Aviation- Related Expertise And Usability: Implications For The Design Of An Faa E-Government Web Site


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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Human Factors Team -Atlantic City conducted a usability assessment of the www. fly. faa. gov Web site to examine user satisfaction and identify site usability issues. The FAA Air Traffic Control System Command Center uses this Web site to provide information about airport conditions, such as arrival and departure delays, to the public and the aviation industry. The most important aspect of this assessment was its use of quantitative metrics to evaluate how successfully users with different levels of aviation-related expertise could complete common tasks, such as determining the amount of delay at an airport. The researchers used the findings from this assessment to make design recommendations for future system enhancements that would benefit all users. They discuss why usability assessments are an important part of the process of evaluating e-government Web sites and why their usability evaluation process should be applied to the development of other e-government Web sites.
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aviation, e-government, expertise, government to consumer (G2C), heuristic evaluation, usability assessment, user needs, Web site usability
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