Ultrasonographie quantitative osseuse des phalanges chez des volleyeurs professionnels

Science & Sports(2010)

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Introduction. Regular volleyball practice is known to enhance bone mass acquisition. Quantitative ultrasonometry of bone is a noninvasive method which provides information on bone biomechanical properties. The aim of this study was to compare phalange ultrasound variables between adult volleyball players and adult sedentary subjects. Methods and results. Twenty-four professional adult male volleyball (training > 8 hours/week) players and 18 sedentary (not participating in regular or organized sport activity) adult males participated in this study. Bone properties of the phalanges were measured with quantitative ultrasonometry (DBM Sonic 1200, IGEA, Italy). The phalange ultrasound variables (Amplitude Dependant-Speed of Sound [AD-SoS] and Bone Transmission Time [BTT]) were significantly higher (p < 0,01) in volleyball players in comparison to sedentary subjects (2137 +/- 49 vs. 2069 +/- 75 m/s and 2,08 +/- 0,20 vs. 1,81 +/- 0,18 mu s, respectively). Conclusion. - The phalange ultrasound variables are higher in adult volleyball players in comparison to adult sedentary subjects. (c) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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Key words
Géométrie osseuse,Sports à impacts,Ultrason,Phalanges
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