Arithmetical chaos and quantum cosmology


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In this paper, we present the formalism to start a quantum analysis for the recent billiard representation introduced by Damour, Henneaux and Nicolai in the study of the cosmological singularity. In particular we use the theory of Maass automorphic forms and recent mathematical results about arithmetical dynamical systems. The predictions of the billiard model give precise automorphic properties for the wavefunction (Maass-Hecke eigenform), the asymptotic number of quantum states (Selberg asymptotics for PSL(2, Z)), the distribution for the level spacing statistics (the Poissonian one) and the absence of scarred states. The most interesting implication of this model is perhaps that the discrete spectrum is fully embedded in the continuous one.
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Key words
quantum chaos,cosmological billiards,discrete spectrum,quantum cosmology,dynamic system,mathematical physics,automorphic form
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