Decreased benzodiazepine receptor binding in amygdala-kindled rat brains

Life Sciences(1983)

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3H-Flunitrazepam (3H-FLU) binding was measured in multiple brain regions of amygdala-kindled rats two weeks following the sixth Stage 5 convulsion. As compared to ‘yoked’ controls, the kindled animals displayed significant reductions in 3H-FLU binding in the ipsilateral cortex (20%) and in the hypothalamus (20%). Scatchard plots revealed that these reductions were due to changes in the maximal number of available binding sites (Bmax) rather than to alterations in receptor affinity (KD). No significant changes were found in the contralateral cortex, or in either the contralateral or ipsilateral amygdala, hippocampus or striatum. These data suggest that kindling is associated with long-lasting changes in the benzodiazepine receptor system and possibly with related changes in GABA-mediated neural inhibition.
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receptor binding
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