Evaluation Methods of Service Transmission Path Selection in IMT-A Complex Network Environment

IHMSC '14 Proceedings of the 2014 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics - Volume 01(2014)

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A network system can be composed of a variety of heterogeneous network, using various transmission media with different topological structure and adopt the corresponding multiple channel access control methods, so the network transmission performance evaluation is very complicated, and the analysis method is based on the original wired communication network, unable to reflect the complex network environment, wired/wireless integration scenarios. It is difficult to satisfy the requirements of homogeneous/heterogeneous network cooperative transmission evaluation. In order to evaluate the operational status of the network, in this paper, a multi-index comprehensive evaluation method is proposed based on multi-measurement index.
service transmission path selection,network transmission performance evaluation,multimeasurement index,multiindex comprehensive evaluation method,operational status,homogeneous/heterogeneous network cooperative transmission evaluation,multi-access systems,topological structure,complex network, bussniss transmission, path selection, performance evaluation,complex networks,radio networks,bussniss transmission,complex network,computer network performance evaluation,authorisation,wired/wireless integration scenario,multiple channel access control method,imt-a complex network environment,performance evaluation,network system,path selection,transmission media,wired communication network
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