Damaged DNA binding protein 1 in Drosophila defense reactions.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications(2004)

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We have focused attention on functions of Drosophila damaged DNA binding protein 1 (D-DDB1) in Drosophila hematopoiesis and previously reported that its whole body dsRNA over-expression using a GAL4-UAS targeted expression system results in melanotic tumors and complete lethality. Since the lesions appear to arise as a normal and heritable response to abnormal development, forming groups of cells that are recognized by the immune system and encapsulated in melanized cuticle, D-DDB1 appears to be an essential development-associated factor in Drosophila. To probe the possibility that it contributes to hemocyte development, we used a collagen promoter-GAL4 strain to over-express dsRNA of D-DDB1 in Drosophila hemocytes. The D-DDB1 gene silencing caused melanotic tumors and mortality at the end of larval development. Similarly, it interfered with melanization and synthesis of antimicrobial peptides. Transgenic flies with D-DDB1 gene silencing were found to accumulate abnormal large blood cells, reminiscent of human leukemia, suggesting that D-DDB1 has functions in hemocyte development.
Damaged DNA binding protein 1,XPE,RNAi,Repair,Hemocyte,Leukemia,Transcription
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