Dedicated to the Memory of Winifred Sewell, Our Mentor and Friend


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Basic Resources for Pharmaceutical Education is produced as a guide for those developing or maintaining the library collections that serve colleges of pharmacy. The list's editors and current contributors all work in such libraries and this list contains our recommendations for works to be included in pharmacy library collections. The books and other works recommended in the Basic Resources list are suitable for all pharmacy college libraries, but all pharmacy college libraries need not purchase every title in the list. Each pharmacy college has its own mission and its own program(s), and so each college's library's collection must reflect that mission and support the college's program(s). Therefore, this list is not prescriptive, but instead should be used as a starting place by librarians and others who are building a new collection or maintaining an established one. Producing Basic Resources is a community effort. Each Basic Resources section is reviewed every three or four years by a contributor. The contributors review assigned sections of the list and make suggestions for additions and deletions to the section. Then the editors compile the suggested additions and deletions, and ask an advisory panel of pharmacy librarians and faculty for their approval of the suggested changes. Approved changes are then incorporated into the list's database. There are two review cycles each year so that two sets of sections are reviewed during the course of the year. Our goal is to review the entire list every three years and to publish Basic Resources annually. We welcome volunteers both to contribute to Basic Resources by reviewing sections or to serve on our advisory panel. For more information about how the list is maintained or to volunteer to work on it, please contact either Leslie Ann Bowman (
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