Electron-beam generation, transport, and transverse oscillation experiments using the REX injector

San Francisco, CA, USA(1991)

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The REX machine at LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory) is being used as a prototype to generate a 4-MV, 4.5-kA, 55-ns flat-top electron beam as a source for injection into a linear induction accelerator of the 16-MeV dual-axis radiographic hydrotest facility. The pulsed-power source drives a planar velvet cathode producing a beam that is accelerated through a foilless anode aperture and transported by an air core magnetic lens for injection into the first of 48 linear induction cells. Extensive measurements of the time-resolved (<1-ns) properties of the beam using a streak camera and high-speed electronic diagnostics have been made. These parameters include beam current, voltage, current density, emittance, and transverse beam motion. The effective cathode temperature is 117 eV, corresponding to a Lapostolle emittance of 0.96 mm-rad.<>
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Key words
beam handling equipment,collective accelerators,electron sources,linear accelerators,particle beam diagnostics,LANL,Lapostolle emittance,REX injector,air core magnetic lens,beam current,current density,dual-axis radiographic hydrotest facility,effective cathode temperature,emittance,flat-top electron beam,foilless anode aperture,high-speed electronic diagnostics,linear induction accelerator,planar velvet cathode,prototype,pulsed-power source,streak camera,transport,transverse beam motion,transverse oscillation
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