First beam at DARHT-II

Particle Accelerator Conference, 2003. PAC 2003. Proceedings of the(2003)

Cited 15|Views54
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The second axis of the Dual Axis Radiographic HydroTest (DARHT) facility will provide up to four short (< 150 ns) radiation pulses for flash radiography of high-explosive driven implosion experiments. To accomplish this the DARHT-II linear induction accelerator (LIA) will produce a 2-kA electron beam with 18-MeV kinetic energy, constant to within ± 0.5% for 2-μs. A fast kicker will cleave four short pulses out of the 2-μs flattop, with the bulk of the beam diverted into a dump. The short pulses will then be transported to the final-focus magnet, and focused onto a tantalum target for conversion to bremsstrahlung pulses for radiography. DARHT-II is a collaborative effort between the Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories of the University of California.
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Key words
electron accelerators,linear accelerators,particle beam bunching,particle beam diagnostics,particle beam extraction,radiography,150 ns,18 MeV,2 kA,2 mus,2-kA electron beam,DARHT-II,Dual Axis Radiographic HydroTest facility,bremsstrahlung pulses,linear induction accelerator,
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