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Effect of myasthenic patient sera on the number and distribution of acetylcholine receptors in muscle and nerve-muscle cultures from rat: Correlations with clinical state

Journal of the Neurological Sciences(1988)

Cited 24|Views5
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We studied the functional activities (FA) of sera obtained from 83 myasthenic patients on rat muscle cultures. Using the same sets of cultures, two parameters were evaluated after exposure to sera: residual fraction (RF) of acetylcholine receptors (AChR) coupled to 125I-labelled α-bungarotoxin (αBgt) (81 sera) and the number of rhodamine labelled clusters (56 sera). Two types of culture were assayed: muscle alone and nerve-muscle cocultures (12 cases). In all combinations (fluorescence, radio-labelling, muscle alone and nerve-muscle cocultures), we found a significant correlation between FA and antibody (Ab) titre, and no correlation between FA and clinical severity: only sera with a high or intermediate Ab titre were effective, whatever the clinical severity of disease. With active sera, AChR loss was about 50% whereas the disappearance of AChR clusters was quite complete, which suggests AChR redistribution induced by MG sera.
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Key words
Myasthenia gravis,Sera functional activity,AChR,AChR clusters,Nerve myotube cocultures,Myotube cultures
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