Towards Adaptive Programming Integrating Reinforcement Learning Into A Programming Language

Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems languages and applications(2008)

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Current programming languages and software engineering paradigms are proving insufficient for building intelligent multi-agent systems-such as interactive games and narratives-where developers are called upon to write increasingly complex behavior for agents in dynamic environments. A promising solution is to build adaptive systems; that is, to develop software written specifically to adapt to its environment by changing its behavior in response to what it observes in the world. In this paper we describe a new programming language, An Adaptive Behavior Language (A(2)BL), that implements adaptive programming primitives to support partial programming, a paradigm in which a programmer need only specify the details of behavior known at code-writing time, leaving the run-time system to learn the rest. Partial programming enables programmers to more easily encode software agents that are difficult to write in existing languages that do not offer language-level support for adaptivity. We motivate the use of partial programming with an example agent coded in a cutting-edge, but non-adaptive agent programming language (ABL), and show how A(2)BL can encode the same agent much more naturally.
Adaptive Programming,Reinforcement Learning,Partial Programming,Object-Oriented Programming
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