¿Están justificadas las listas de espera quirúrgica en las varices?


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Summary Objectives: Primary: a. To find the ratio of complications of Chronic Venal Insufficiency of primary etiology (CVI), from stages C1 and C2 CEAP: reticulated varicose veins and truncal varicose veins. b. To understand the effect on the quality of life of patients classified in both stages. Secondary: To analyse the criteria of selection for surgery. People and method: Casuistic: 166 patients, clinically and hemodynamically diagnosed with CVI in C1-C3 stages of the CEAP classification. Evaluation period: 14 months: January 2006 to February 2007. Methodology: consecutive consultations in the period: 89 Of which, 53.6% correspond to first visits and 46.4% second visits. Variables analysed: sex; age; evolution of the illness; etiology and morphology of the varicose veins; hemody- namic study; clinical (stages CEAP); intercurrence of varicophlebitis and varicose haemorrhage; quality of life (CIVIQ-CVI questionnaire); Body Mass Index and Therapeutic followed. Statistic methodology: Mann-Whitney and chi-squared. Results: Women, 125 (75,3%); men, 41 (24,7%). Average age: 54,04 ±14,84 years. Etiology: Primary, 151 (91%); Secondary, 15 (9%). Average evolution of the illness: 27,01 ± 12,29 years. CEAP stages: 1:41 (24,7%); 2:71 (42,8%); 3:19 (11,5%); 4:20 (12%); 5 (3%); 6:10 (6%); Varicophlebitis, 11 (6,6%) and Varicose haemorrhage, 5 (3%). Total complications (Stages IV-VI, varicose haemorrhage and varicophlebitis): 51 (30,7%). The affectation on qua- lity of life was seen in 30% of the patients, the psychological and social dimensions being the most affected. Or- thostatic syndrome: occasional, in 111 patients (66,8%); constant, in 55 (32,2%). IMC> to 30:43 patients (25,9%). The association between BMI (body mass index)> 30 and persisting symptomatology is statistically significant (p<0,001). Absence of therapeutic prior to the consultation, 39 patients (23,5%). There has been no evidence of a statistically significant correlation between the evolutive period of the illness and the clinical stages 4, 5 and 6. Conclusions: These facts, in the context of the National Health System, force a reflexion on the criteria of indica- tions for surgical treatment of people diagnosed with CVI in stages 1 and 2 of the CEAP classification.
chronic venous insufficiency cvi. varicose veins complications. surgical indications. waiting list.
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