A Flexible Active-Matrix Electronic Paper With Integrated Display Driver Using The -Czochralski Single Grain TFT Technology


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Abstract—This article describes the development,of an Elec- tronic,Paper display. This E-Paper display,will use,the,- Czochralski Single Grain Thin-Film Transistor Technology,for driving,a Quick-Response Liquid Power,Display. The display driver will be integrated,on the display itself. The display is flexible, including the driving electronics. Technology used offers great possibilities for future applications e.g. flexible electronics, three dimensional IC, System-on-Panel, ultra fast responding E- Paper displays etc. At the time of writing, several test circuits are being manufactured,with the,-Czochralski Single Grain Thin- Film Transistor Technology at the Delft Institute of Microsystems and Nanoelectronics (DIMES). A working,prototype,is scheduled for the first quarter of 2009.
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