Efficiency and safety of new radiofrequency identification system in a hospital.

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics(2013)

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Radiofrequency identification (RFID) applications have the capability to obtain real-time information on the location and properties of tagged people or objects. The efficiency and safety of the new RFID system (UHF band, 953 MHz) were tested in our hospital. We examined whether 1 to 4 persons and medical equipment with IC tags were captured by RFID readers in a laboratory. We next tested whether electric signals produced by RFID could affect medical devices. New radio frequency tags provided extensive patient identification and helped track capital equipment within a laboratory. Electric fields produced by the new RFID did not significantly affect medical devices in our hospital. New RFID system was safe and useful for tracking people and medical equipments in a hospital. As healthcare systems today involve increasingly complex and interrelated processes, the new RFID technologies may enhance patient safety, and wellness, and reduce staff workloads in a hospital.
radiofrequency identification,electromagnetic interference,patient safety,medical management
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