Editoriale La medicina del lavoro e i nuovi rischi


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Technological and socio-economic changes in the world of work are having a strong impact on the life of individuals and organizations. Individuals expect security, a feeling of belonging, and recognition; organizations constantly demand more flexibility, participation and productivity. Inside this growing gap we find today's new risks: they reflect at-risk work settings, where organizational "discomfort" is most likely to develop. Against this backdrop, dominated by a feeling of precariousness, workers have to re-visualize their jobs. This is a complicated and tiring process, as they have to demolish the old models they already have in their minds, so they can replace them with new, more appropriate ones. Occupational medicine has a role on two levels in this process. The first, close to the workers themselves, calls for the ability to understand the new risks, interpreting them in relation to the organizational settings. The second involves a path within the discipline, crossing over the first role but in the opposite direction to the usual one: from the dominant model of medicine by classification to reinstatement of the clinical dimension. This attributes importance to a research approach to problems, and calls for the construction of networks both within occupational medicine and between disciplines.
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work-related psychosocial risks,new risks,flexibility.
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