Word Boundary Information Isn't Useful for Encoder Language Models


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All existing transformer-based approaches to NLP using subword tokenisation algorithms encode whitespace (word boundary information) through the use of special space symbols (such as ## or _) forming part of tokens. These symbols have been shown to a) lead to reduced morphological validity of tokenisations, and b) give substantial vocabulary redundancy. As such, removing these symbols has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the processing of morphologically complex words for transformer encoders in the pretrain-finetune paradigm. In this work, we explore whether word boundary information is at all useful to such models. In particular, we train transformer encoders across four different training scales, and investigate several alternative approaches to including word boundary information, evaluating on a range of tasks across different domains and problem set-ups: GLUE (for sentence-level classification), NER (for token-level classification), and two classification datasets involving complex words (Superbizarre and FLOTA). Overall, through an extensive experimental setup that includes the pre-training of 29 models, we find no substantial improvements from our alternative approaches, suggesting that modifying tokenisers to remove word boundary information isn't leading to a loss of useful information.
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