Operational Boundaries on the Stellarator W7-AS at the Beginning of the Divertor Experiments


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During the last shutdown the Stellarator W7-AS underwent two major modifications: First, the limi- ters were replaced by ten divertor modules, and the diagnostic set associated with the plasma boundary and target plate regions was greatly expanded. Secondly, the previously counter tangential neutral beam injector box was shifted to a co-position. Thus, the heating efficiency should be considerably increased at low magnetic fields and high densities. After resuming experiments these improvements will be used to test the boundary island divertor concept and further expand operational boundaries during the remaining experimental time until perma- nent shutdown in 2002. The present operational boundaries are reviewed with respect to the stability of high β and density limit discharges. Discharges with good confinement properties will be discussed where further progress was achieved after installing control coils to modify the size and properties of vacuum field islands. In contrast to the usual net-current free mode, W7-AS also allows operation at large toroidal currents. In this way disruption-like events in the presence of rather large external poloidal fields can be produced.
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