Photostop: Production of zero-velocity molecules by photodissociation in a molecular beam


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Photostop is an accessible technique capable of producing atoms or molecules at a standstill in the laboratory frame. Starting with a NO2/Xe molecular beam with a mean velocity of 415 m s(-1) and a longitudinal translational temperature of 6K, NO2 molecules are photodissociated to yield NO(X-2 Pi(3/2), v = 0, J = 1.5) fragments with a recoil speed equal to the molecular beam speed. The fraction of NO fragments that recoil opposite to the molecular beam are produced with a 6K longitudinal velocity distribution centred at zero. The NO molecules are allowed to 'evaporate' from the probe volume by waiting for 10 mu s and the molecules left behind are probed with a translational temperature of 1.6K along the molecular beam axis and an estimated density of 10 7 cm(-3) per quantum state. Through the choice of suitable precursors, the photostop technique has the potential to extend the list of atoms and molecules that can be slowed or trapped. It should be possible to accumulate density in a trap through consecutive loading of multiple pulses.
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cold molecules,deceleration,trapping,photodissociation
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