The testicular descent in the rat: a scanning electron microscopic study

Pediatric Surgery International(2010)

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Purpose Numerous researchers studied the morphology of testicular descent including the possible function of gubernaculum. However, a clear illustration of this process is still missing. The aim of this study was to illustrate testicular descent using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in a rat model. Methods The abdomen of rat fetuses between gestational day (E) 15 and E 22 and newborns at postnatal day (D) 0 and D 1.5 was opened by microsurgery. Standard preparation for SEM was carried out. The position of the testis and gubernaculum testis was documented. Results The gubernaculum was obvious in male rat embryos at E 17.5. In a first phase (E 16–E 21) the testis moved from cranio-lateral and dorsal to caudo-medial and ventral, while clear signs of an active role of the gubernaculum were missing. In a second phase (E 22–D 1.5) the processus vaginalis peritonei (PVP) developed, while the conus of the gubernaculum disappeared, after which, the testis moved out of the abdominal cavity and entered the PVP. Conclusion In our study, we could not specify the role of gubernaculum for testicular descent. However, our data showed that the testis lay intraperitoneal throughout the descensus testis.
Testicular descent,Gubernaculums testis,Fetal genital development
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