Childhood Lead Poisoning and Environmental Investigation on Paris:

S Domsic, E Trendel,F Squinazi


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P-803 Abstract: The action carried out by the city hall of Paris, to fight against childhood lead poisoning has significantly increased since 1987, as the department for childhood protection and the hygiene laboratory of Paris(LHVP), a systematically screen children with risk factors with a medical, social and environmental assumption of responsibility for this public health problem. When there is a childhood case of lead poisoning, the LHVP performs an environmental investigation. The purpose of this investigation is to seek the possible sources of lead in the child's surroundings. Initially, enquiries are made about family habits, then, the children's dwellings are observed, and finally, measurements of lead levels are performed. The diagnosis of the potential risk of intoxication by lead paint in the housing where children live is part of emergency measures against lead poisoning (application of the article R32-2 of the code of public health). An assessment of the data available since 1987 concerning screening and control of lead poisoning is presented with an overview of the results of the environmental investigations carried out over the last past years by the LHVP. The discussion will relate to the evolution of lead poisoning detected and checked in children in Paris and on the potential sources of intoxication of the children resulting from the environmental investigations and the measures to be taken in the families concerned.
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Key words
lead,environmental investigation,paris,childhood
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