Nonlinear theory of dust lattice mode coupling in dust crystals


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Quasi-crystals formed by charged mesoscopic dust grains (dust lattices), observed since hardly a decade ago, are an exciting paradigm of a nonlinear chain. In laboratory discharge experiments, these quasi-lattices are formed spontaneously in the sheath region near a negative electrode, usually at a levitated horizontal equilibrium configuration where gravity is balanced by an electric field. It is long known (and experimentally confirmed) that dust-lattices support linear oscillations, in the longitudinal (acoustic mode) as well as in the transverse, in plane (acoustic-) or off-plane (optic-like mode) directions. Either due to the (typically Yukawa type) electrostatic inter-grain interaction forces or to the (intrinsically nonlinear) sheath environment, nonlinearity is expected to play an important role in the dynamics of these lattices. Furthermore, the coupling between the different modes may induce coupled nonlinear modes. Despite this evidence, the elucidation of the nonlinear mechanisms governing dust crystals is in a rather preliminary stage. In this study, we derive a set of (coupled) discrete equations of motion for longitudinal and transverse (out-of-plane) motion in a one dimensional model chain of charged dust grains. In a continuum approximation, i.e. assuming a variation scale which is larger than the lattice constant, one obtains a set of coupled modified Boussinesq-like equations. Different nonlinear solutions of the coupled system are discussed, based on localized travelling wave ansatze and on coupled equations for the envelopes of co-propagating quasi-linear waves.
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