On The Non Linearity Of Discrete Logarithm In F(2n)

SETA'10: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Sequences and their applications(2010)

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In this paper, we derive a lower bound to the nonlinearity of the discrete logarithm function in F(2n) extended to a bijection in F(2)(n). This function is closely related to a family of S-boxes from F(2)(n) to F(2)(m) proposed recently by Feng, Liao, and Yang, for which a lower bound on the nonlinearity was given by Carlet and Feng. This bound decreases exponentially with m and is therefore meaningful and proves good nonlinearity only for S-boxes with output dimension m logarithmic to n. By extending the methods of Brandstatter, Lange, and Winterhof we derive a bound that is of the same magnitude. We computed the true nonlinearities of the discrete logarithm function up to dimension n = 11 to see that, in reality, the reduction seems to be essentially smaller. We suggest that the closing of this gap is an important problem and discuss prospects for its solution.
Symmetric cryptography,Boolean functions,S-boxes,nonlinearity,discrete logarithm
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