Amino-terminal residues dictate the export efficiency of the Campylobacter jejuni filament proteins via the flagellum.


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Bacterial flagella play an essential role in the pathogenesis of numerous enteric pathogens. The flagellum is required for motility, colonization, and in some instances, for the secretion of effector proteins. In contrast to the intensively studied flagella of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium, the flagella of Campylobacter jejuni, Helicobacter pylori and Vibrio cholerae are less well characterized and composed of multiple flagellin subunits. This study was performed to gain a better understanding of flagellin export from the flagellar type III secretion apparatus of C. jejuni. The flagellar filament of C. jejuni is comprised of two flagellins termed FlaA and FlaB. We demonstrate that the amino-termini of FlaA and FlaB determine the length of the flagellum and motility of C. jejuni. We also demonstrate that protein-specific residues in the amino-terminus of FlaA and FlaB dictate export efficiency from the flagellar type III secretion system (T3SS) of Yersinia enterocolitica. These findings demonstrate that key residues within the amino-termini of two nearly identical proteins influence protein export efficiency, and that the mechanism governing the efficiency of protein export is conserved among two pathogens belonging to distinct bacterial classes. These findings are of additional interest because C. jejuni utilizes the flagellum to export virulence proteins.
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