Sexual experiences during the climacteric years: what do women think about it?


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To describe women's sexual experiences during the climacteric years.The analysis was conducted using a theoretical-methodological perspective based on phenomenology. Data were obtained through a group interview method: the focus group. Participants were women attending a health education programme during the climacteric period. This programme was developed by the sexual and reproductive health services for the area of Barcelona (Spain).Reading and analysis of participants' discourse revealed four categories: the climacteric stage, a time for self-reassertion; the relative burden of biology; the journey through sexual life; and the importance of social/family factors as regards sexual experiences.In this study, social, family and structural factors had the greatest impact on sexual experience during this stage of life. The lack of independence with respect to parents, who have often moved into the family's residence, turns many of these women into informal carers. Tiredness, lack of intimacy and a reduced living space that is often shared with parents or grownup children are strong determinants as regards the free expression of sexuality.
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Menopause,Midlife,Female sexuality,Women's health,Qualitative methods
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