Adversarial training for continuous robustness control problem in power systems


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We propose a new adversarial training approach for injecting robustness when designing controllers for upcoming cyber-physical power systems. Previous approaches relying deeply on simulations are not able to cope with the rising complexity and are too costly when used online in terms of computation budget. In comparison, our method proves to be computationally efficient online while displaying useful robustness properties. To do so we model an adversarial framework, propose the implementation of a fixed opponent policy and test it on a L2RPN (Learning to Run a Power Network) environment. That environment is a synthetic but realistic modeling of a cyber-physical system accounting for one third of the IEEE 118 grid. Using adversarial testing, we analyze the results of submitted trained agents from the robustness track of the L2RPN competition. We then further assess the performance of those agents in regards to the continuous N-1 problem through tailored evaluation metrics. We discover that some agents trained in an adversarial way demonstrate interesting preventive behaviors in that regard, which we discuss.
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Key words
adversarial,robustness,control,power system
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