The acceleration and storage of radioactive ions for a beta-beam facility

Markus M Lindroos, Maria Santucci De Magistris,G Ryckewaert, P Zucchelli,Thomas Nilsson, C Volpe, J Bouchez, J Payet, P Hernandez,R Garoby,U Koster,Jasmine Burguet, Palladino,Oliver Boinefrankenheim,S Gilardoni,Ralph Hollinger,H Weick,Olivier Napoly, Anna Jansson,Philip H Butler, A Facco,A Muller, A Pisent,Markus Steck,R Baartman,Th Delbar,J J Gomezcadenas,Steven L Hancock, P Spiller, B Franzke, C R Prior,P Sortais, A Blondel, D Reistad,Michael Benedikt,F Wenander,M Chartier,M Mezzetto, B Laune, A C C Villari

Nuclear Physics A(2004)

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The term beta-beam has been coined for the production of a pure beam of electron neutrinos or their antiparticles through the decay of radioactive ions circulating in a storage ring. This concept requires radioactive ions to be accelerated to as high Lorentz gamma as 150. The neutrino source itself consists of a storage ring for this energy range, with long straight sections in line with the experiment(s). Such a decay ring does not exist at CERN today, nor does a high-intensity proton source for the production of the radioactive ions. Nevertheless, the existing CERN accelerator infrastructure could be used as this would still represent an important saving for a beta-beam facility.
neutrino detection,physics
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