Airborne Measurements in the Stable Boundary Layer over the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica

J. C. King, T. A. Lachlan-Cope, R. S. Ladkin,A. Weiss

Boundary-Layer Meteorology(2008)

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We present aircraft measurements of boundary-layer structure and surface turbulent fluxes from a flight over the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Warm advection, associated with föhn flow, led to the formation of a stable boundary layer over the ice shelf, with a well-defined low-level jet at the top of the surface inversion. The strong shear associated with the jet kept the gradient Richardson number small and maintained a turbulent boundary layer over a depth of at least 600 m. The net surface energy balance amounted to 52 Wm −2 , equivalent to a melt rate of 13 mm water per day, with net radiation (48 Wm −2 ) making the largest contribution to melt. The contribution from the sensible heat flux (13 Wm −2 ) was largely balanced by an upwards latent heat flux (−9 Wm −2 ). These measurements provide insight into the processes that control surface melt rates in an area that has experienced recent rapid warming and deglaciation.
airborne measurements,Antarctic,orographic flows,stable boundary layer
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